The ‘hurried’  burial of Chief Tshovani of Chiredzi who succumbed to the Covid19 pandemic has raised eyebrows amid concerns that the chief- real name Hlaisi Mudawu- was buried in contravention of the expected Shangani cultural norms and values.

He died at Collin Saunders hospital aged 75.

According to a report carried by the Mirror newspaper, Chief Tshovani was hurriedly buried on 21st July at his homestead in Save with only close family members in attendance. His burial is in contravention of Shangani culture which detects that chiefs’ deaths are to be kept secret, and also that traditional leaders have to be buried two weeks after their demise.

While contravening cultural expectations, Chief Tshovani was ‘hurriedly’ burried in line with the country’s set Covid19 regulations.

Felix Mudawu, the chief’s son, however disputed the story that his father was buried, saying it was against the Shangani culture to even announce the chief’s death before the expiry of two weeks.

He shouldered the blame on the media and new technology for allowing his father’s death to be discussed in public before an official announcement.

While circumventing the issue of Chief Tshovani’s burial, Masvingo Provincial Medical Director Amadeous Shamu told The Mirror that burial all persons who succumb to the coronavirus pandemic are done immediately afterwards as a precautionary measure.
