In yet another heist, the Zimbabwe Republic Police are investigating a case of armed robbery which happened at a service station in Norton recently.

According to ZRP, on 9th January 2021, a suspect entered into a cash office at a service station in Norton, threatened the employees with an unknown pistol, stole about USD3 050 and went away.

“The ZRP is investigating a case of armed robbery which occurred on 09/01/21 in which one suspect entered into a cash office at a service station in Norton, threatened the employees with an unknown pistol, stole about USD3 050 and went away,” says the police.

Meanwhile, this happened following another heist, in which three victims-turned suspects in the 2.5 million United States dollar robbery which occurred along the Harare – Chinhoyi Highway.

Nomatter Jonga, Matthew Simango and Fanuel Musakwa are being charged with theft after the close to 3 million United States dollars cash-in-transit which was in their custody vanished dramatically this Wednesday.
