Firebrand opposition MDC Alliance politician, Job Sikhala, has sarcastically urged the ruling Zanu PF to send sensationally dismissed Deputy Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Energy Mutodi ‘straight’ to the controversy-ridden Herbert Chitepo School of Ideology.

Good Old Days… President Mnangagwa and former ally Energy Mutodi
The Chitepo ideological college, as it is otherwise known, inescapably ‘trended’ on social media a couple of months ago, after dethroned ruling party youth league bosses Godfrey Tsenengamu and Lewis Matutu were ordered to undergo re-orientation at the institution.
And, the MDC Alliance MP for St Mary’s constituency, Sikhala, proposes (sarcastically though) that the ruling party must also send the disgraced Mutodi to the same institution that equally disgraced Zanu PF officials have to go: the Herbert Chitepo School of Ideology.

ex-Youth League boss Godfrey Tsenengamu
“(I) will take this (dismissal of Mutodi) with a patch of salt, (he) must go straight (to the) Chitepo School of ideology first,” said Sikhala in an accompanying caption to the image of Mutodi’s dismissal letter which he posted on his Twitter handle Wednesday evening.
Mutodi was dismissed by his old time ally President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Wednesday, barely moments after fugitive ex-Zanu PF top politician Professor Jonathan Moyo had challenged the Zimbabwe leader to immediately fire the motormouth Goromonzi West MP for his ‘gender insensitive’ sentiments on Twitter.
This was after the sungura musician-turned-politician had posted apparently reckless insinuations on his handle, saying allegedly abducted female MDC Alliance youth assembly leaders had gone on a ‘honeymoon’ in Bindura where they were found badly tortured, flogged and dumped at Muchapondwa Business Centre.
Fusing the vernacular Shona and English language, the exiled Moyo had likened Mutodi to a dog ‘and a disgrace to humanity’.

File… ED and Jonathan Moyo
“Iwe Energy Mutodi urimbwa yemunhu (you are a dog) and a disgrace to humanity. If, as your appointing authority, Mnangagwa does not fire you for this, he will confirm that he too is a disgrace to humanity and must go with,” Moyo said in comments posted on his Twitter account Wednesday, while signing off with hashtags, #ZanuPF! #ZanupfMustGo.

Chris Mutsvangwa
Last week, and as extensively reported by Zwnews, Mutodi claimed that he was living in fear for his life from a perceived coalition involving Foreign Affairs Minister Sibusiso Moyo and Christopher Mutsvangwa, the influential husband to his boss and Information minister, Monica.
The alleged existence of the ‘war-time’ Mutsvangwa-SB Moyo coalition came to public attention after Mutodi was thrown under the bus in humiliating fashion by Zanu PF, following the party’s move to disown reckless Covid-19 related sentiments attributed to the now debased ex-deputy minister.