We are coming for you…. Kasukuwere warned by Team Grace

The Grace Mugabe led Zanu-PF Women’s League resolved at its national executive meeting yesterday to expel its two senior members,  Eunice Sandi Moyo (deputy secretary) and Sarah Mahoka (secretary for Finance).

The pair fell by the wayside after they started to canvass for another person(believed to be Saviour Kasukuwere) to take over G40 leadership at the expense of Grace.

This was then interpreted as undermining the First Lady though no one bothered to explain what that meant.

The expelled ladies also face accusations of denigrating Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

This is despite the fact that they did it with the blessings of the country’s leadership and also that First Lady is on taped audio while attacking Mnangagwa on more than three occasions but has not been fingered in the case.

Conspicuous by their absence at the meeting were Moyo and Mahoka, as well as Tabeth Kanengoni-Malinga (secretary for External Affairs), who is also facing the axe.

The Women’s League national executive meeting, sources said, also recommended that national commissar Saviour Kasukuwere be given same treatment as the two expelled women on slew of charges among them trying to block last week’s nationwide demonstrations against Sandi Moyo and Mahoka.

Kasukuwere then accused another party cadre Jimayi Muduvuri of leaking information to The Herald to the effect that he was against the Women’s League programmes.

The Women’s League, one of the party’s three arms, yesterday called Kasukuwere to order, saying he was not a member of the wing.

“The Women’s League resolved that  Sandi Moyo and Mahoka should be expelled,” said the source. “That has to be endorsed by the Politburo, but a position has already been taken.

“Also facing similar action is Kasukuwere whom the wing felt is fanning factionalism and is also accused of attempting to stop our demonstrations last week.”

Many skeptics believe  Grace is crying wolf in her clever bid to get rid of obstacles as she prepares to gain entrance into the party’s presidium.