The @AJIunit#GoldMafia docu series is globally confirming the unprecedented levels of systematic #corruption in our country; more importantly it is rubbing in our faces, our lack of progressive “ACTION” in fixing our country from top to bottom.

One of the reasons I decided to stand up, step forward& begin this journey to bring Zimbabwe Prosperity, Justice & Modernization was because I got tired of just ‘talking’ about the problems & seeing the level of poverty within our people.

Citizens, don’t be pulled into small conversations on personalities, party colors, mjolo etc – right now lets raise our conversation, our Action and focus on the major things.

We have been in a National Crisis for decades that affects all Zimbabweans regardless of tribe, race, gender, economic status, domestic and diaspora. Join Us! #ProsperityIsPossible #ZimbabweCorruption@DUZ_Prosperity

Robert Chapman