A school fees receipt slip of $106 000 at  the posh Riverton Academy has caused debate on social media.

While many are asking why this “fees madiness” in a country where average wages are below US $50, it must be noted that there are extremely rich people in the country who are happy to pay this without breaking the bank.

Zimbabwe’s millionaires love to send their children to expensive schools and they are very proud about. This gives them status and sets them apart from the rest.

A social media user said the fees target a certain class who can afford it:

Riverton Academy is going to be fully enrolled with a 500+ waiting list by the end of the week. Keep that in mind before you get on this twitter outrage train. It’s just Twitter. I promise you, the target market can afford, they have been affording all these years.

Riverton Academy isn’t for everyone, so stop rating their fees according to teachers salaries or whatever. Kevin hart said, “stay in your financial lane!”

The fees translate to about US$6 235 per term ..

The school was in news last year when top local tycoon  Farai Mutamangira visited his children at the elite private school in a helicopter.