Rigging ZEC gave foreign observer status to Anastancia Ndhlovu of Zanu-PF, a Zimbabwean??

Here is a ZEC  issued ID badge for a staunch ED Mnangagwa supporter identified as Anastancia Ndhlovu who allegedly worked as a Foreign Observer during the recent elections.

This puts a dent on the credibility of elections seen by the opposition as flawed and biased in favour of Zanu PF.

Said one reader:

“Rigging is the DNA of @Zanu-PF look at how they even rigged Foreign Observers by planting their own members disguising them foreign observers.”

Anastancia does not hide her admiration of Emmerson Mnangagwa. Her social media profile has ED all over it.

She has been identified by social media users as one of the foreign observers who credited elections as free and fair.

Anastancia who is Zimbabwean did not give her side of story regarding the allegations above.