Renowned poet Obert Dube is suing 5 Zimbabwe Republic Police officers and their superiors for damages after they assaulted him in January for allegedly violating a government imposed curfew meant to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Victoria Falls based Dube was assaulted by 5 ZRP officers namely Constable Munashe Chikoto, Constable Samson Moyo, Constable Njabulo Ngwenya, Constable Nkosilathi Moyo & Constable Shelton Mathe on 20 January at about 10: PM, who used truncheons after accusing him of loitering in Mkosana suburb in violation of a dusk to dawn curfew.

In a notice of intention to sue served on the 5 police officers based ZLHR at Mkosana ZRP base, Dube said he will soon institute legal proceedings to claim damages against the individual police officers, the Officer in Charge, ZRP Commissioner-General Godwin Matanga & Home Affairs & Cultural Heritage Minister Kazembe Kazembe.

According to the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights whose advocates are representing him, Dube sustained injuries on his body & suffered physical & emotional pain as well as financial loss while seeking medical attention.

The damages, Dube said, will be for medical expenses which he incurred in treating some injuries which he sustained, pain & suffering and other delictual damages arising as a result of the unlawful conduct of ZRP officers.
