Statutory Instrument 103A of 2020.

[CAP. 22:15

Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (Issue of Ten Dollar and Twenty Dollar Banknotes) Notice, 2020

THE Minister of Finance and Economic Development has hereby, in terms of section 40(3) of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 22:15], made the following notice specifying the matters determined by the President in terms of subsection (2) of that section:—


1. This notice may be cited as the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (Issue of Ten Dollar and Twenty Dollar Banknotes) Notice, 2020.

Issue of ten dollar and twenty dollar banknotes ‘

2. There shall be issued, in terms of the Act, a ten dollar banknote and a twenty dollar banknote.

Design of ten dollar and twenty dollar banknotes

3. ( I ) The design of the of ten dollar banknote shall be as follows—

(a) on the front side of both the ten dollar note the dominant feature shall be the logo of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (three balancing rocks), with the visually impaired recognition feature to the left, latent image showing the denomination, optical variable ink with colour shift from magenta to green, security thread with the inscription .RBZ”, watermark with highlighted inscription “RBZ 10” and see-through of the Zimbabwe Bird looking to the left in perfect register, as secondary features: and

(b) on the back side there shall bean impression of Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Building and four buffaloes.

(2) The design of the of twenty dollar banknote shall be as follows—

(a) on the front side of both the twenty dollar note the dominant feature shall be the logo of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (three balancing rocks), with the visually impaired recognition feature to the left, latent image showing the denomination, optical variable ink with colour shift from green to azure, security thread with the inscription “RBZ”, watermark with highlighted inscription “RBZ 20” and scc-through of the Zimbabwe Bird looking to the left in perfect register,. secondary features; and

(b) on the back side there shall be an impression of one elephant and the Victoria Falls.

Design, colour, size and material of the ten dollar and twenty dollar banknotes

4. The form and material of the ten dollar and twenty dollar banknotes shall be as specified in the Schedule.