The Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ) has set dates for public enquiries on the suitability for licensing on shortlisted applicants who intend to provide free-to-air national commercial television broadcasting services in the country.

“…in terms of Section 10 (6) of the Broadcasting Services Act [Chapter: 12:06], the shortlisted applicants published herein are required to attend public inquiries to determine the applicants’ suitability to be licenced for the provision of Free-to-air National Commercial Television Broadcasting Services,” partly wrote BAZ in a notice this week.

“The Authority shall hold the public inquiries online via Zoom Webinar in line with Government preventative measures of curbing the spread of Covid19. All interested persons will be required to register inorder to participate in the virtual meetings,” said the public authority.

Added BAZ:

“On the day of the public inquiry, members of the public may submit oral and written representations to the persons conducting the inquiry, subject to any restrictions that the Authority may put in place to preserve order”.

Out of the 14 candidates who were recently shortlisted by BAZ, only six will be licenced to open new commercial TV stations in the landlocked southern African nation.

The state-controlled Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) has monopoly in the free-to-air broadcasting services in the country.

See the attached BAZ notice of invitation to public inquiries below:

