A prominent man of the cloth is still battling for shame after having wrongly prophesied that a most senior Zanu PF official would die on December 3, leading to a series of deaths in the ruling party.

Prophet Itai Ukama, of Abundant Life Ministries prophesied two months back that some unnamed Zimbabwean leaders will die one after the other starting from 3 December 2018.

The day passed by with no death of a top chef witnessed within Zanu PF.

Typical to prominent Nigerian prophet TB Joshua, in the prophecy which was issued on 21 October 2018, Ukama requested the church to pray so that they can stop the death of these people.

Here is the full prophecy below:

“We want to pray for the nation of Zimbabwe that the spirit of God will rest upon it. Let us pray that the cup of God will not be poured undiluted by grace and mercy over Zimbabwe.

“I  am looking at the date 3 December 2018. Why are people gathering what is this? Mark the date 3 December. Let us pray for the forgiveness of God. Is it the judgement from God or is it a natural happening?

“Let us pray that Zimbabwe will not be spoilt in December. Is it good when people die? I am just trying to see this thing pass by and ask God to give us  mercy. When the church of God prays disaster can be averted.

“When these people start dying one by one you are not sure they will be replaced by the good ones. Better the devil you know than an angel you do not know, better the devil who is already rich than the one who will come and want to start afresh.”