A WOMAN who verbally attacked her former maid telling her that her privates were torn apart, wide open because of having sex with married men, has been sentenced.

The incident happened near a bar at corner 6th Avenue and Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo Street in Bulawayo.

It is said Cathrine Sibanda (40) was walking home from a church service when she saw her former boss parked near the bar and headed to him.

While she was having a conversation with her former boss, Nontokozo Gumpo (43) arrived after a few minutes.

It is said all hell broke loose as a heated argument ensued between the two resulting in Nontokozo firing a salvo at Cathrine.

“Sifebe sothuvi. Your vagina is torn apart and wide open. You take after your mother who died prostituting. Go away,” the court heard.

Cathrine reported the matter at Bulawayo Central Police Station leading to the arrest of Nontokozo.
Nontokozo was arraigned before Bulawayo magistrate Amanda Ndlovu.
She pleaded not guilty to a criminal insult charge.

However, after a full trial the magistrate found her guilty.
In arriving at the sentence the magistrate said the court took into account all the relevant factors.

The magistrate said: ”The nature of the words uttered by the accused seriously impaired the dignity of the complainant. The accused called her a prostitute and repeated the word, this led to degrading the complainant.”

In her mitigation Nontokozo said: “I’m suffering from high blood pressure and I’m not employed.

“I also look after my mother who also suffers from high blood pressure.”

She sentenced her to five months, of which three months were suspended on condition that she does not commit an offence which has criminal insult element within a period of five years.

Also, two months were suspended on condition that she does 70 hours of community service at Lockview Primary School.

“If convicted yet again of criminal insult the accused person will be sentenced to imprisonment without an option of a fine.

“The community service starts on 07 December and must be completed within two weeks.

“It must be performed between 8am and 2pm and 2pm and 4pm at Lockview Primary school,” said the magistrate.

-B Metro