President Emmerson Dambudzo Emmerson Mnangagwa’s sentiments that peace gives him chance to “rule forever” has sparked new fears that he is planning beyond 2028, reports Newsday.

According to critics, the statement is a hint that ZANU PF could be plotting constitutional changes for him to retain power beyond 2028.

Mnangagwa is supposed to step down at the end of his second term in 2028 since he is constitutionally prohibited from participating in the polls to be held in that year.

He is even on record saying he will stick to the Constitution.

However, his recent statement seems to point out that there could be behind the scene manoeuvres to extend his tenure.

Some reports allege that in the long run, Mnangagwa is working on having one of his sons take over from him.

Apparently, a succession battle is reportedly brewing in the ruling party, with vice president Constantino Chiwenga being the official next in line.
