City of Harare councillors have resolved that public officers holding the positions of Town Clerk and director, should subject themselves to public interviews as a whole government approach.

The local authority is hunting for a financial director.

Meanwhile, the Human Resources and General Purposes Committee chairperson, Councillor Kudzai Kadzombe (Ward 41) in the spirit of public accountability, advises that the City of Harare will be holding public interviews for the position of Financial Director on Wed 02 Aug 2023 starting @ 9am.

The position became vacant after the then holder was fired on abuse of office charges.

Nearly two months ago City of Harare came under fire for reportedly running recruiting process for the post using criteria seen as fraudulent by residents.

“The City of Harare is in the process of recruiting the next director of finance. Already there are reports that the councillors are holding caucuses to try to get their preferred candidate to take up the position,” the Harare Residents Trust (HRT) said in a statement on their Facebook Page at the time.

The residents said it was worrying that councillors wanted to influence the process for selfish gains.

“A finance director is the most important position in the public finance management system in any Government institution. Sadly, councillors want a person who they can easily direct to release and allocate funds for projects that ultimately benefit their political party interests,” HRT said.

HRT added that the recruitment for senior council positions should be observed by key stakeholders.

“The recruitment process of senior council officials should be observed by key stakeholders, including business, residents and other civil society organisations.

“Left on their own, councillors can decide what scores to give to which candidate during interviews in order to legitimise a corrupt appointment,” the residents body argued.
