Political decisions are not that easy to make in a precarious environment especially under brutal regimee, Thabani Mpofu who is Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) lawyer has said.

Mpofu says when dealing with ruthless regimes that doesn’t understand what is good or wrong, one has to tread with care.

“Political decisions are difficult to make in this vile environment. While you must call upon political tact & nous, the fact is that you are always up against a relentless, shameless & violent dictatorship that cannot tell the difference between right & wrong. Tread with care,” he says.

His comments comes at the time CCC president Nelson Chamisa is under pressure to take the President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa led government head on.

Chamisa has been accused of being too soft, thereby giving the ZANU PF regime opportunity to get away with murder.
