The Zimbabwe Republic Police has warned members of the public against strange, superstitious and unjustified beliefs for wealth, saying perpetrators of crime will not go unpunished.

The warning come at the time cases of alleged ritual murders for wealth are fast becoming cause for worry.

In one such case, the ZRP has confirmed the gruesome murder of a 9 year old boy at Matova Village Chief Zimuto, Masvingo on 4/12/20 by suspect Clever Chitiga (22) for assumed ritual purposes.

The minor was beheaded using a kitchen knife before the head was shaved in hot water and pounded in a mortar using a pestle.

The head was then boiled in a pot in preparation for feasting while the body of the victim was wrapped in a mosquito net before it was submerged in a nearby dam.

Meanwhile Police have arrested the suspect and recovered several exhibits.
