THE training of female drivers has been identified as key in reducing road carnage and preserving the sanctity of human life.
The number of female drivers in the public transport sector remains low despite the general sentiment that women are careful drivers.
Having noticed this, the First Lady, Amai Auxillia Mnangagwa has since moved in to inspire other women by upgrading her driver’s licence to Class One.
Amai Mnangagwa, who received her Class One driver’s licence in Harare this Wednesday, is encouraging women to take up the profession to reduce road carnage as well as get employment.

“Women are the most careful drivers and I have done it so I urge women to also consider taking class one and save the lives of people on the roads. I have done it and women can do it ,” she said.

Vehicle Inspection Department Eastlea Depot Manager, Onesmo Bumira applauded the First Lady for being a careful driver.
“She has passed the test and am happy that she is a careful driver. Women are generally good drivers and I urge other women to follow suit,” he said.

Earlier on, the First Lady took lessons in defensive driving which were conducted by the Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe.
Human error has been cited as a major cause of accidents, with defensive driving having been identified as a way to help drivers reduce these slip-ups.
