Dozens of expelled Zanu PF youths and activists loyal to VP Emmerson Mnangagwa turned up today to offer prayers for the stricken Midlands godfather.

Writing about the meeting, Higher Education minister Jonathan Moyo dismissed the event as a gathering for pro Mnangagwa party rebels;

“Expelled Zanu PF youths Godwin Gomwe & Vengai Musengi at today’s Prayer Meeting for VP Mnangagwa at Robert Mugabe Square in Harare!,” Moyo wrote on his twitter handle.

Asked by a follower if he was going to attend the prayers Moyo responded; ” I pray everywhere I am!”

Jonathan Moyo went on to pour scorn on Mnangagwa’s situation saying” Who said the stale food was on the VVIP table? Have you checked whether the allegedly stale food was not eaten elsewhere prior to the event?”

While one man was filmed praying with clenched fists, Zanu PF style(circled), the rest of Mnangagwa loyalists opted for the Tsvangirai MDC T style open palm gestures, that is often used at opposition rallies to express anger against Mugabe rule.

Mnangagwa is battling for life at a private South African hospital.

He was airlifted from Zimbabwe to the neighbouring country after swallowing poisoned  food at Gwanda rally last weekend. His followers have promised to ‘revenge big time’ if he fails to wake up from the deathbed.

Today’s prayers were organised after Prophet Makandiwa allegedly released a video warning that Mnangagwa will certainly die if he places hope on medicine and science. zimnewsnet