PROTESTERS have taken control of Zimbabwe’s second largest city Bulawayo and there are reports that property has been destroyed in the chaos.

Most shops in the second biggest city of Bulawayo that had opened for business have since shut down as protesters marched into the city centre chanting “Siyangena! Siyangena!”

The protesters were largely peaceful initially as police maintained a close watch, but have since degenerated into chaos as civilian cars and property got destroyed.

Elsewhere across town in Bulawayo, there are reports of Police firing teargas canisters to disperse crowds.

Commuters in Bulawayo have not been picked up passengers.

There are reports of protesters fighting with police officers at the intersection of Luveve Road and Masiyephambili Drive. Skirmishes reportedly began when protesters burnt down a civilian car, according to sources on the ground.

Meanwhile, images have appeared showing members of the Zimbabwe National Army patrolling Bulawayo streets.

Deployment of soldiers is a hot issue after several people were gunned down during post election protests.

It is particularly a sensitive issue in Bulawayo and Matebeleland where thousands of innocent people, including women and children, were killed during Gukurahundi atrocities in the early 1980s.

Armed soldiers return to Bulawayo

Army bus that deployed soldiers to Byo