A Seke married woman was on Friday caught with a man in a lodge in Ridgeview.
Amanda Chembe, 30, of Chirasavana village allegedly booked Master Chirowodza, 24, at Ridgeview Guest House before her husband’s brother Oswell Mumbamarwo pounced on them.
Police had to be called in to ensure there was no violence.
Upon leaving the room with the help of police officers, Chembe denied bedding Chirowodza arguing that they were at the house for a private business meeting.
She denied even knowing Chirowodza saying he was just a shop keeper at a shop in their village and had agreed to engage in a business deal.

Camera shy…Amanda
“It is true that I booked the room to have a private meeting with baba munini since we wants to sell clothes at my village in Mhondoro,” said Chembe.
“Hapana zvataita isu handidanane navo kana zita ravo handirizive ndinongoziva kuti ndi baba munini veku shop chete.
“We agreed to raise capital and share profit after selling second hand clothes and babamunini didn’t want his brother to know about the deal that is why we traveled from Seke to this place.

amanda, bro-in-law, lover
“I was not aware that it is a lodge bamunini ndivo vangavachipaziva and I informed bamkuru about the deal but am surprised that he was secretely following us,” said Chembe.
Mumbamarwo followed Chembe and Chirowodza from Seke to Ridgeview after discovering that the two had agreed to spend the day having quality time at a secluded place.
H-Metro was called to the house and arrived while Mumbamarwo was reasoning with the Guest Lodge owner Stanley ‘Stunner’ Mateke to be allowed to get to the room where Chembe and Chirowodza were booked.
“The woman booked here is wife to my brother locked in South Africa so I was following her from Seke after learning about her illicit affair with a shop keeper,” Mumbamarwo was heard saying seeking to be given permission to the room.
Stunner denied Mumbamarwo access to the room arguing that the two deserve their privacy since they had paid their booking fee.
“I can not allow you to the room since they are my respected clients what I can allow you is to park your vehicle outside the gate and see them upon leaving the house,” said Stunner to Mumbamarwo.

Amanda Chembe and lover
Stunner further instructed his employees to permit Mumbamarwo to meet the two in the company of police to avoid noise.
However, Mumbamarwo who was in the company of a hired driver and Chembe’s two year old daughter did not have the patience to spend the day waiting for the two.
He called Chembe on her mobile phone informing her about his presence and that forced her to come out of her room. She was alone and said Chirowodza had already left.
“Chembe is my brother’s wife with two children and an ardent follower of Methodist Church in Zimbabwe that tomorrow (Saturday) she is expected to be ordained,” said Mumbamarwo.
“Her movements with Chirowodza for the past weeks were questionable leaving children at home.
“At one time I confronted her over Chirowodza after I found him at the house and she said they were discussing clothing business.
“Today I learnt of her unholy trip and decided to follow her and I didn’t know that they were going this far and I took the young child with me.
“The Owner of the guest house denied us access to the room and I decided to call her lying that her child had been scalded.
“She replied instructing me to look for tablets since she was in town and was not expecting to return home quickly. That annoyed me.
“Her husband is in South Africa and has been sending money for the family, not to book rooms with lovers leaving children unattended.
“From Seke they boarded a private car to Chitungwiza and got into a kombi yakanzi Jolembe yavadzikisira pa mbudzi round about vakakwira private car kupinda mutown.
“Vafamba netsoka kuenda ku Colcom kwavazokwira Wish yavadzikisira pama church vakafamba netsoka kusvika pa Ridgeview Guest House ndichivatevera nemota.
“Chifambi hachidi netsoka vangadai vasvinurawo meso ne pfungwa,” said Mumbamarwo.
Police led them to a post at Harare Agricultural Show where they received counseling before they were released.
Chirowodza refused to entertain H-Metro after a meeting with Mumbamarwo.
Contacted for comment Stunner denied the incident refusing to entertain further questions.