THE Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) has said people with fake nails will not be allowed to vote.

Zec Commissioner Dr Qhubani Moyo in a telephone interview yesterday advised women with fake nails and nail polish to get rid of it if they intended to vote.

“All registered voters should be warned that they will not be allowed to cast their ballots with fake nails or nail polish or any such cosmetic additions which will hinder identification,” said Dr Moyo.

He said the ban of manicure and nail polish was in order to ensure that the ink was in contact will real skin and nail bed.

“This is meant to expose the original body parts. It is for the purposes of inking and as such we urge women out there who are intending to cast their ballots on July 30 to come prepared in order to avoid disappointment. The ink is meant to stay for a long time to prevent individuals from voting more than once but if one has fake nails or nail polish he or she can wash it off or remove nails,” said Dr Moyo.

Responding to social media messages that have been circulating during he past few days, Dr Moyo said it was true that women with fake nails or nail polish will not be allowed to vote.

He however dismissed as untrue that women will be asked to remove wigs or wash faces before voting. state media