Former Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Walter Mzembi has urged ZANU PF bigwigs who lost in the just ended primaries to accept the will of the people.

He says going against the will of the people has consequences.

“Subverting the will of the people has dire consequences. The people are crying for help through these primaries
respect the will of the people,” he says.

Apparently, his comments comes after losing ZANU PF bigwigs lodged complaints with the party.

ZANU PF National Political Commissar Mike Bimha confirmed receiving complaints.

“We continue to receive complaints from candidates. The ad-hoc committee is in session looking at the complaints that came.

“We will close this session today to make sure that we do justice to these complaints. As a result what I’m presenting are preliminary results,” he said.

Meanwhile, the party is on record saying its highest decision making body, the Politburo has the final say, implying that it could reverse the will of the people.
