Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda 

Norton Independent Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa has accused Parliament of fearing to suspend graft-accused ZANU-PF Gokwe-Nembudziya MP Justice Mayor Wadyajena.

Wadyajena is Parliamentary Portfolio Committee Chairman on Lands, Agriculture and Rural Resettlement, and Mliswa says he must be removed.

Mliswa says:

“We are not concluding that Wadyajena is guilty but the due process should be adhered to, to the letter. There shouldn’t be different strokes for different folks.

“Already Parliament is hesitant to suspend him as Portfolio Chair. Why? That is the partiality we talk about,” he says.

Mliswa says Wadyajena is violating his bail conditions but nothing is being done to him.

“He has gone around speaking and passing judgements about his arrest potentially violating his bail conditions and yet nothing is being done! We cannot have a country where some are above the law. As a party ZANU-PF
will suffer for this association with corrupt people.

Meanwhile, Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission ZACC recently announced that evidence against Wadyajena is overwhelming urging the courts to do justice to the matter.
