Amid reports that Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa has written to the local government minister recalling 7 councillors for disloyalty, including Harare mayor Jacob Mafume and Bulawayo deputy mayor Edwin Ndlovu, self-declared party interim Secretary General Sengezo Tshabangu says only he can recall.

Chamisa is said to have recalled the named officials for allegedly working with Tshabangu.

Apparently, Mafume’s expulsion comes barely a month after he was re-elected as Harare Mayor under unclear circumstances that kickstarted the end of his role in CCC.

His election was dominated by allegations he had convinced Tshabangu to recall then Mayor Lovejoy Chitengu so he could force his way back.

He is reported to have demanded that councillors vote for him, telling them he held the keys to their continued stay at Town House.

Mafume was reportedly hurt by Chamisa’s decision not to second him for re-election following August’s General Elections. He had hoped for a second term after finishing off former Harare Mayor, Herbert Gomba’s term.