While international Election Observers are camped in the country’s hotels being entertained by pretty girls, ZANU PF has been busy cooking big margins in rural areas, a former military intelligence officer has disclosed.

The officer says due to dire poverty caused by the oppressive regime, and the inadequate financial resources from opposition, most of the polling agents that volunteered are being paid between 500 and 1500 depending on area and how cunning each agent is.

Cde Never Maswerasei is a former military intelligence personnel and a close ally of barred presidential candidate Saviour Kasukuwere says the situation is not looking good as rigging machine is switched on.

He says:

“This is how they do it. Hurombo huroyi – many agents in these areas are ACCEPTING CASH.

“Due to dire poverty caused by the oppressive regime, and the inadequate financial resources from opposition, most of the polling agents that volunteered are being paid between 500 and 1500 depending on area and how cunning each agent is. I once revealed this plan months ago.

“Election Observer are nowhere to be found. After the premeditated sham is done, they will endorse it as peaceful, free, and fair.

“Given Dambudzo’s known and unknown humongous budgets for this farce, there is no guarantee that they were also not paid up to not observe anything.

“NB: This handle ALWAYS tells things as they are either in realtime or ahead of time. You don’t have to believe anything but here is some useful evidence from Rushinga.
