Bulawayo giants Highlanders, have dispelled speculation doing the rounds insinuating that they have parted ways with their coach Mark Harrison, who is currently holed up in his native Britain saying there is no vacancy at Bosso.

There were reports that Bosso’s British gaffer Harrison was headed for Kenya, including hardly evidenced and unsubstantiated claims that Amahlolanyama- as Highlanders are otherwise called- had advertised for the position of technical director, but the team has now rubbished the reports.

Harrison left the country to join his family in Britain, when the Covid19 lockdown begun and he has been holed up in his native land since then.

As speculation about Harrison’s position at Bosso was continuously mired in controversy, quite a considerable number of names were being fingered as his possible replacements.

These include his assistant coach Mandla Lulu Mpofu and his co-assistant Bekithemba Super Ndlovu being some of the coaches said to be in line to take over. Others included Amini Soma-Phiri, Nation Dube, Thulani Sibanda as well as Lizwe Sweswe.

Highlanders’ communications officer, Ronald Moyo, told the state media that it is not true that they advertised for the position of the team’s coach, saying they are waiting for the Briton to return back home and join with the rest of the team.

“Look, we keep on hearing these rumours that we have been conducting interviews for the post of technical manager, let me put it clearly that our arrangement with coach Harrison still stands, he is our coach and will soon be reuniting with the boys once authorities come up with dates on when we should start training and eventually have competitive games. For now we cant authoritatively engage with the coach and ask him to come back to Zimbabwe when we are also in the dark about when exactly football will resume,” Moyo said.

Meanwhile, the state media reported that jostling for executive positions at the club is intensifying with each passing day ahead of elections next year.

Highlanders members go to the polls next year to elect chairman, secretary general as well as committee member. Incumbent chairman Kenneth Mhlophe has already declared that he will seek another three year mandate.

Secretary general Israel Moyo’s position is not yet clear but its believed he too, like Mhlophe will run again while committee member Wisdom Mabhena has served his constitutional mandate, unless if he will choose to run for another post.

Five candidates, including two football legends who served the club with distinction during their illustrious playing career are eyeing the chairman’s post while two, so far want to be committee members.

state media                                              additional reporting: Zwnews