Movement for Democratic Change-Alliance president Nelson Chamisa says zero emissions by 2050 should be the target for Zimbabwe.

In his mock address, to the ongoing COP26 Climate change Summit in Scotland, Chamisa said the meeting happens at the time the country and world at large has faced climate change related catastrophies.

Below is his presentation:

COP26, the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),kickstarts today 1 until 12 November 2021 in Glasgow, United Kingdom.

For Zimbabwe, this landmark conference could not have come at a more appropriate time. In recent years our beloved country has been ravaged by several catastrophes directly linked to climate change, including Cyclone Idai, which in 2019 claimed about lives in Zimbabwe.

To reduce the frequency of extreme weather shocks like Cyclones, bold acceleration towards more sustainable methods of generating energy, manufacturing goods, transportation, urban development, & farming need to be taken by all countries. Net zero emissions by 2050 is the target.

At COP26, we expect serious & binding commitments by the world’s wealthiest countries towards reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Rich countries contribute the most to the precarious state of the world’s climate, as such, responsibility for the crises must fall where it must.

At a minimum, we expect significant contributions to investment funds (e.g. Green Climate Fund: earmarked for less developed countries, like Zimbabwe to access the green finance required to build resilience and adapt to climate change.

As the next government, our climate change policy is clear. Whilst the journey to net zero by 2050 appears daunting, it represents a unique opportunity for Zimbabwe to create new jobs in new industries like renewable energy, electric vehicles, smart farming and green manufacturing.
