OUTSPOKEN Zimbabwean politician and leader of the main opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party has lauded the voters who balloted in favor of his party during the March 26 by-elections, saying citizens- and not politicians nor their parties- are ‘the compass of all politics’.
Chamisa, whose newly-formed CCC cruised to a romping victory in the by-elections also took to his micro-blogging Twitter handle to pay tribute to ‘the citizens’ on the sidelines of the swearing-in ceremony for the victorious candidates who outsmarted Zanu PF choice of Members of Parliament in the by-elections.
He also said Zimbabwean citizens have ‘the power to change things and define the direction of a nation’.
Said the CCC president:
”CITIZENS’ MPs SWORN IN TODAY. The recent by-elections taught all that ultimately CITIZENS have the power to change things (and) define the direction of a nation. CITIZENS are the compass of all politics, not political parties or politicians. Thank you God Almighty. Thank you Citizens!”
The CCC resoundingly won the 26 March elections, grabbing 19 electoral constituencies out of the 28 seats on offer.