This morning, President Emmerson Mnangagwa officiated at the ground breaking ceremony of the Museum of African Liberation project in Warren Park, where he received some artifacts from some families of late national heroes.

The project is being spearheaded by pan-African think tank Institute of African Knowledge (INSTAK).

Meanwhile, during the event, the wife of the late National Heroe, General Josiah Magama Tongogara has handed over his military uniform as well as his service pistol to President Mnangagwa.

And the son of the late National Hero Dr Leopold Takawira handed over a suitcase, radio, camera, rosary and hosho which were used by his parents during the liberation struggle.

The family of the late National Hero and Vice President Simon Vengesai Muzenda also handed over his pictures to the President to be used in the project.

The envisaged Museum is a vital tool in telling the true story of Africa’s liberation.

INSTAK has been endorsed by several African States as it seeks to rekindle the spirit of Pan-Africanism through collaborative efforts to promote, protect and preserve the legacy of the revolution.

Analysts have urged African states of the need to ensure the success of the project by assisting with historic documents, liberation war artifacts and oral history as the documentation of the African liberation struggles begins.

In the same light, Ghana has said it will send all artifacts of the late great Kwame Nkrumah.
