Exiled former Foreign Affairs Minister Walter Mzembi says Zimbabwe’s political crisis born out of flawed elections can be solved through a Government of National Consensus.

Zimbabwe in 2023 held harmonized elections which were roundly condemned by observer missions including the Southern African Development Community observer team.

Since then, Zimbabweans have been divided and remained in election mode and Mzembi believes something should be done.

He writes:

Towards Government of National Consensus. What is the strategy here?

This is the answer to the
SADC_News Observer Mission Report that some are still expecting finality on especially the Secretariat’s deadlines with International Cooperating Partners who fund the bulk of the Regional Body’s budget and programs, that Zimbabwe issue will be closed by 30 June ahead of the Summit.

“CCCZimbabwe is playing into the script but will be rewarded with accommodation.
Zimbabwe politics redrawing & reimagining itself.

Does this solve anything , when the voters watch their mandate being abused?

A long lasting and sustainable solution to the Zimbabwean National Question lies outside a binary solution especially with entities with so much to reconcile and resolve internally before they forge a FAKE Unity.
