Award winning Zimbabwe journalist Hopewell Chin’ono has said his life is now in danger after Zanu PF addressed a press conference and warned the media particularly Chin’ono against tarnishing the image of the fist family.

Chin’ono said he will not be deterred by fear as he was strongly against corruption.

Said Hopewell in a tweet:

My life is now in danger after ZANUPF attacked me personally through their spokesperson Patrick Chinamasa. I am only a detractor of corruption. I am a trained journalist, if I have said something that is not true, legal remedies are there. I will not be cowed through fear!


Chinamasa’s statement:

Former Mugabe Cabinet Minister Patrick Chinamasa at a press conference today warned members of the Media against tarnishing the image of the first family. This comes after Journalist Hopewell Chin’ono embarked on a mission to expose gross levels of corruption in the funds used to buy COVID-19 materials.

Hopewell Chin’ono exposed a company called Jaji which supplied the government with 4499 RRTK which he said is owned by the president’s nephew and the president’s bodyguard. The president’s son was also roped into the COVID gate scandal which involved a company called Drax that supplied masks to the government at an inflated price.