The Robert Mugabe backed National Patriotic Front (NPF) is warming up to work with the MDC Alliance and cause a major electoral upset for the ruling party.

Key NPF member, Shadreck Mashayamombe on Thursday afternoon attended the MDC Alliance rally held in Harare South where he chanted the MDC slogan, tshisa mpama tshisa.

NPF is the brainchild of disposed former Zanu PF leader, Robert Mugabe and his close G40 allies who were forced out of the party during the November 15, 2017 coup.

Addressing the rally, Mashayamombe said the MDC Alliance which is led by Advocate Nelson Chamisa is the only hope for Zimbabwe.

He quizzed if things changed after the military removed Mugabe, to which the crowd responded with a loud NO.

“They said Mugabe was bad and remove him. Let us remove them and vote president Chamisa,” he said to loud cheers from the crowd.

“We thought we cannot be found missing when others who share the same view with us are gathered. We are together in this fight and we want complete change,” Mashayamombe said.

Another former Zanu PF and Zim PF member, Kudakwashe Bhasikiti assured the crowd that he will work tireless to make sure disgruntled former Zanu PF members rally behind Chamisa.