…Zimbabweans urged to position themselves as the inevitable transition beacons
zwnews.com Political Reporter- Simba Moyo
The ZANU PF’s infighting news could seem too much, as if that is the only news item available; BUT the turning and twisting events in the Zimbabwean ruling party is now reaching a tipping end, so tempting and it cannot been ignored.
What makes this newsworthy is that it is no longer a ZANU PF question alone, but a national one, as a lot is at stake than just party grandstanding as most would like to believe.
PDP leader, Tendai Biti once said the Zimbabwean autocratic rule is now fading, is in a transition auto-cruise that neither President Robert Mugabe, nor anybody else is able to stop.
Biti said the odds from both the economic and political front were against Mugabe’s rule, and that all Zimbabweans should take heed and join hands for a better country, as nature takes its own course on Mugabe’s rule.
Mugabe is facing a revolt, with his own children (his inner circle) now not listening to him anymore, and opposition parties should capitalise on it if they are to salvage the country from draconian rule.
A political scientist who has been following the matter with very keen interest, Dr Pedzisai Ruhanya concur that the internal squabbles bedevilling the ruling party is now a national discourse than it is a party issue.
“The problem we have is that civil society, business and the opposition leave transitional debates of ZANU PF alone: It’s national,” he says.
He says citizens should view the infighting on who will succeeds Mugabe in both party and state with a bigger picture in mind, as the topic is now bigger than party politics, but degenerated into a national question.
“Hey Zimbabweans, smell the coffee; we are in a murky transition/ grey zone where the dear leader’s rule is reaching end of an era; manage this please,” he warns fellow countrymen.
According to him, Zimbabweans should know that Mugabe’s rule is coming to an end, and him being a national leader, the debate that who will take after him becomes a national question, and no longer a politburo thing.
Meanwhile, whenever, the leader takes a sneeze the market jumps, and as far as his frail health have affected government business so has been the ongoing squabbles. Mugabe has been accused of running his party like a tuck shop where his absence has stalled everything, with his deputies reluctant to take important decisions, lest they risk humiliation as he reverses them on his return, and this has spilled into government. The whole nation is at stake.