It never rains for President Mugabe as his rule is now intensely debated and questioned not only in Zanu PF factions but also by the country’s leading churches including Roman Catholics where  he has his membership.

In recent months there has been an increase in lone wolves who do not belong to major opposition movements.

According to a Harare based clergyman who refused  to be named..”their demand is that Mugabe must go as soon as yesterday.”

These people include: the Dzamara brothers, an unidentified woman who charged at Mugabe during independence celebrations at National Sports Stadium, #Thisflag Pastor Evan Mawarire and a Kariba based Pastor Mugadza who launched a solo anti Mugabe protest in Victoria Falls and many others not yet reported.

Now very influential churches  have joined the ‘Mugabe must go bandwagon’

In an unexpected statement yesterday that marked a radical departure from their usual stance, the country’s churches represented by the Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe (EFZ) and Catholic Bishops among others — also said Zimbabwe deserved leaders who had the interests of the people at heart.

EFZ  spokesperson Shingi Munyeza said it was important for the country’s leaders to adhere to the rule of law, get rid of political patronage and rampant factionalism, and engender “leadership renewal across the board” if Zimbabwe was to come right.

Ishmael Mukuwanda head of denominations said the church was extremely concerned by the country’s deteriorating political conditions characterised by cash shortage,  hunger and poverty.

Many people in Zanu PF circles see these calls as opposition tactics to win 2018 elections.