Mugabe is dying soon, British Govt told

After we reported in September that the United Kingdom has already identified Mugabe’s successor, this publication( has been vindicated following latest developments in UK as London now sees Mugabe as a man on his deathbed.

A high ranking advisor to UK government, Peter  Mandelson, told British civil servants that the Zimbabwean leader, Robert Mugabe, is preparing an “endgame” for the country, suggesting he believes  the 92 year old will be on his death bed sooner than expected.

Mandelson  was in Zimbabwe this year in February ‘for business and political issues’.

He warned the UK Government to be ready revealing that an “endgame” was underway in Zimbabwe and Mugabe will be out of action very soon.

As  UK prepares for a yet to be named successor(believed by many to be Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa), Mandelson   suggested that Zimbabwe needs “encouragement, debt restructuring, and an injection of additional liquidity” to enable a smooth transition of power.

Unconfirmed reports  suggest Mr Mandelson met representatives of Mugabe’s government whom he advised to deal with corruption and cash problems.

Though Mandelson refuses to discuss the people he met in Harare, he reveals his observations in a report to the British government.

He wrote: “The most immediate danger is that the supply of cash dollars is drying up and there is a danger of banking failure and a liquidity crisis with consequent impact on the functioning of the whole economy.”

He also warned that ‘high level corruption’ needed immediate action from Mugabe before he departs.

Coincidentally, Mugabe has just passed a law to punish and imprison his top aides caught up in corruption, he has also signed a Foreign Exchange Law enabling the reserve bank to print bond notes money that will be unveiled this coming week to address the issues raised by Mr Mandelson.

Mandelson concluded his report by looking at the succession war currently underway in Zimbabwe.

“It is clear that the endgame is underway, and the battle is being vociferously played out in the Zimbabwean press.

“Less clear is how it will end and who will prevail – and whether it will play out while Mugabe is still alive,” he wrote.