Zimbabwe’s President Robert Gabriel Mugabe was born on 21 February 1924 and he is 93-years-old today.

Happy Birthday to Simbanashe’s Grandpa!

The frail looking leader is due to  contest in presidential elections next year and those who have been waiting for new blood to takeover were shocked by statements made at a recent Buhera rally when his controversial wife, First Lady Grace, announced that Mugabe will be succeeded by his corpse if he was to die anytime now.

In other words, she does not want him to retire or handover power to someone else.

Mugabe reluctantly sided with his wife’s strange wishes in his inaudible birthday interview emphasising that he was not expecting to handover power to anyone in the ruling Zanu PF party.

“The majority of the people feel that there is no replacement; (a) successor who to them is acceptable, as acceptable as I am,” he said.

There are fears in Zanu PF and opposition circles that Mugabe is slowly losing capacity to make decisions and he is now vulnerable and over manipulated by his wife and children who will struggle, if he dies, to live outside the comforts of being Zimbabwe’s First Family.