Harare: A top official from the President’s Office has castigated the conduct by some officials from the Zimbabwe Republic Police of allegedly protecting corruption within their system.

The latest sentiments by the high ranking security official comes in the wake of similar allegations by a whistle blower who told a Harare magistrate that he has been at the mercy of the police since he implicated top cops for corruption.

Startling revelations of corruption and systemic abuse of office by the ZRP and alleged covering up of rot were disclosed by CIO Deputy Director Kizito Gweshe who is testifying at Harare Magistrates Court in an application for referral of an informer’s case to the Constitutional Court.

The case has opened a can of worms with Mr Gweshe who was on the stand before Mr Themba Kuwanda revealing that Dillish Nguwaya an informer, approached him with information on corruption involving some central intelligence and police officers.

He said he was tasked to arrange a task force comprising both organisations to investigate the matter and cleanse corrupt activities in the two security departments while Superintendent Vera was assigned to lead the ZRP team.

Mr Gweshe said as a follow up to the case they approached Mr Chris Mutangadura from the Prosecutor General’s Office who requested for Nguwaya the informant to pro

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vide a full disclosure statement.

Nguwaya is said to have in his full disclosure statement implicated Chief Superintendent Nyaradzai Majachani and Superintendent Tachiona in dirty deals which he was also a part of thereby provided self-incriminating information.

Investigations conducted by the ZBC News revealed that Nguwaya the applicant for the referral to the Constitutional Court lodged a report at ZRP Marlborough under CR 82/10/2016 in which he was accusing Chief Superintendent Majachani and Detective Inspector Amon Pazvakavambwa of having extorted US$3000 from him.

Nguwaya said when he was given audience to speak with the Deputy Commissioner General responsible for crime Josephine Shambare, Senior Assistant Commissioner Mubatapasango, Senior Assistant Commissioner Godfrey Munyonga and Chief Superintendent Majachani, he was allegedly stone-walled and treated as a villain.

In his application for referral to the Constitutional Court he says ever since he lodged the statement against the police he has known no peace and has been framed for possession of cocaine and arrested and placed in custody for over a month.

He has petitioned the Minister of Home Affairs over his case and is yet to get a response.

Meanwhile, Mr Gweshe will further testify on the 29th of May following which Harare lawyer Admire Rubaya will also give his testimony. zbc