As he winds up his term in Office, President Emmerson Mnangagwa is duty-bound to ensure unification & rebuilding of the party by facilitating the return of exiled members, some of whose leadership experience & expertise is desperately needed to solve both internal & national problems, says political analyst.

Political analyst, Hosia Mviringi however, adds that the major problem in trying to reconcile with exiled ZANU PF members is that some cowards within the party fear competition posed by such cadres.

“I can confirm that its not President Mnangagwa’s IDEA to downsize ZANU PF’s 2024 National People’s Conference in Byo.

“Rather it is the work of COWARDS within the party who fear that
the likes of Savour Kasukuwere would use the event to galvanise & activate his supporters during the event,” he says.

Mviringi adds that it is now a common cause that in the absence of viable opposition in the country, the renewal that the country needs can only come from within ZANU PF.

He further posits that as it stands ZANU PF does not need another bout of factional battles, but it needs an elaborate succession process that fosters stability.
