President Mnangagwa is set to proclaim dates for this year’s harmonised elections tomorrow.

Speaking in Binga, where he attended the National Culture Month launch yesterday, the President said: “I will be announcing the election date the day after tomorrow (Monday).”

The President rallied the people of Binga to vote for the ruling party, ZANU PF, in their numbers to defend the gains of independence and ensure their heritage is not put in wrong hands.

“When elections are conducted, every person in Binga should safeguard his or her heritage by voting. If we do not vote, people without Zimbabwe at heart will take over. We must protect it and preserve it.”

President Mnangagwa being interviewed on Twasumpuka FM on his arrival for the National Cultural Month launch at Kwariyangwe High School in Binga. Looking on are Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation Minister Kirsty Coventry (right) and Information,Publicity and Broadcasting Services permanent secretary Mr Nick Mangwana (second from right)

The President implored Zimbabweans to be proud of their culture and heritage and not sell out to foreign cultures as this will spell doom to the nation.

“As we celebrate the Culture Month, I challenge citizens of our country to revisit and live within our cultural values of integrity, love, dignity, hard honest work, tolerance, respect and discipline.  Safeguarding our culture requires that we uphold ubuntu/hunhu in order to deal with vices and societal challenges that are negatively affecting our youth. Drugs, substance abuse, immorality, indiscipline and disrespect among the youth threaten our national character, moral fibre and the future of our country,” he said.

President Mnangagwa reiterated the need for the youth to actively partake in the Culture Month celebrations, noting that programmes such as the First Lady Amai Auxillia Mnangagwa’s cookout activities had a positive impact in upholding the nation’s cultural heritage.

“Community as a whole must transmit the cultural values handed down to us by our forefathers. We must never be ashamed to raise our children in the manner we were raised. Programmes such as the Nhanga/Gota/Ixhiba and the cookout activities being spearheaded by the First Lady, Amai Mnangagwa, which reinforce our culture and traditions, must be supported to spread across our society,” he said.

The Head of State said the Cultural Month commemorations help display the nation’s rich cultural diversity from different ethnic groups. This, he said, helps the nation “towards understanding one another and fostering cohesion, peace and unity”.

He said the national commemoration of the Culture Month also gives the nation an opportunity to celebrate the rich heritage, integration and sense of collective identity of the Zimbabwean people.

“Additionally, this event allows us to reflect on how we can ride on our cultural creative industry, as well as the unique aspects of our localities and cultural heritage for the attainment of sustainable socio-economic development, right from the community level.

“Our beloved motherland is richly endowed with beneficial cultural practices, as well as tangible and intangible heritage, which define us as Zimbabweans,” said the President.

He said it was especially important that the National Culture Month was being launched in Binga, an area that had remained resolute and proud of its BaTonga language.

“Speaking in our indigenous languages as Africans is critical towards the realisation of sustainable socio-economic development and building the Zimbabwe and Africa we want. Our National Constitution officially recognises 16 languages, including Sign Language. We must speak our languages and promote their preservation by teaching, as well as using them across all levels of society. Our children and young people must be taught to speak and be proud of our indigenous languages,” he said.

He further noted that guided by the Second Republic’s philosophy of Ilizwe lakhiwa ngabanikazi balo/Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo, the nation must be motivated to work hard for the development of the nation.

The National Culture Month launch was held at Kariyangwe High School, under Chief Siansali.

His Excellency also commissioned a classroom block at Mabobolo Secondary School and a clinic in Mabobolo village, under Chief Pashu, as part of his visit to Binga.

The President also held a live interview with Binga’s Twasumpuka FM.

During the interview, he said community radio stations help to preserve culture and language.

“We will continue making sure that communities get radio licences in order to promote our culture and local languages. These radio stations avail these communities with the platform to air their concerns on various developmental issues, giving them a voice which they previously didn’t have,” said the President.

The interview with President Mnangagwa was historic as it was the first time a community radio station has hosted the Head of State. Sunday Mail