OUTSPOKEN former Botswana President Ian Khama has made a scathing valuation of the Zanu PF led regime’s performance through claims nothing, except for name and leaders, has changed in Zimbabwe since independence.

Speaking in a webinar meeting to discuss the state of affairs in Southern African nations, Khama said Zimbabwe was still living in tyranny many decades after independence.

He added that even President Emmerson Mnanngagwa has failed to shake off the late former leader Robert Mugabe’s ghost as human rights abuses has continued under the so-called new dispensation.

Khama said, “Abductions, incarceration of journalists, politicians from other people, royals and many people and still many Zimbabweans moving out of the country as a result, all this clearly indicates that today, 40 years since independence, the only thing that has changed in Zimbabwe is the name of the country and that of its leaders.

“In plain English, there is a crisis in Zimbabwe, not just challenges with extreme difficulties all man-made and growing in intensity and long lasting.

“That is why Zanu PF officials use the word crisis almost 14 times at one stage more than any other in that briefing.”

Said Khama, “A leader has one responsibility and one only, and that is to mobilise, motivate programmes and policies in the best interests of citizens not in their self-interest. People’s lives matter, Zimbabweans lives matter.”

The Zanu PF led administration has come under intense criticism for both acts of commission and omission, even from countries viewed as allies.

Recently, South African politicians and public officials have been outspoken about tensions in Zimbabwe which have the state visiting abuses on government critics and opponents of the ruling Zanu PF party.

Among prominent South African politicians and public figures that have both blasted and called for stricter measures against the Harare administration are former Public Protector Tuli Madonsela and opposition EFF leader Julius Malema.

Some ANC politicians have also dumped diplomacy and started speaking out against the Zimbabwe government.

However, Mnangagwa’s administration has been adamant there was no crisis in the country, insisting the world was merely reacting to false social media claims of abuses and poor leadership in Zimbabwe.

Recently, Zimbabwe’s Deputy Defence Minister, Victor Matemadanda launched an attack on Khama, telling the bachelor ex-leader to direct his efforts towards finding himself a wife and stop meddling in the country’s affairs. -NewZim