President Mnangagwa’s Ultimatum to Businesses Engaging in Malpractices

President Mnangagwa has issued a stern warning to businesses involved in hoarding goods and engaging in practices that sabotage the economy, giving them a seven-day ultimatum to rectify their actions or face severe sanctions from the government. Speaking at the Zanu-PF Mashonaland West province Presidential Star Rally in Magunje, the President emphasized his commitment to exposing and holding accountable the captains of industry who are working against the government’s interests.

Certain businesses, particularly after the announcement of election dates, have been identified as responsible for price hikes and destabilizing the Zimbabwean dollar. These actions were intended to turn the public against the government. President Mnangagwa made it clear that investigations have been conducted to identify these individuals, and he previously mentioned some names. He now plans to reveal a comprehensive list of businesses involved during an upcoming event in Zaka.

President Mnangagwa revealed that he had dispatched representatives to communicate with these businesses, urging them to rectify their practices. They have been given a seven-day grace period to correct their actions. However, if they fail to comply, the President vows to publicly expose and shame those who continue to engage in hoarding and manipulation.

The government has already imposed sanctions on certain businesses involved in such activities, and it will continue to engage with them. President Mnangagwa disclosed that some businesses had opted to pay fines and promised to change their behavior after being warned about potential exposure by the Zanu-PF party. Further details about these businesses will be shared on Tuesday.

President Mnangagwa emphasized the importance of unity and support for the country’s progress. He highlighted the significant infrastructure development undertaken by the Zanu-PF government over the past five years, aiming to modernize Zimbabwe. Projects such as the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport and Beitbridge Border Post demonstrate the country’s commitment to progress. The President emphasized the empowerment of local talent and the belief that Zimbabweans have the capability to construct and develop their own infrastructure.

The Second Republic’s focus is on empowering communities at the village level, with plans to provide boreholes to all 35,000 villages. This initiative will support horticulture projects and ensure access to clean water. Additionally, the President urged Zanu-PF supporters to vote for the ruling party in the upcoming elections while emphasizing the importance of peace and unity throughout the process.

During the rally, President Mnangagwa donated 1,000 computers to schools in Mashonaland West and distributed 65,000 packets of seeds to attendees, demonstrating the government’s commitment to education and agricultural development.