Mnangagwa experience Gukurahundi protests in Bulawayo

A former member of the Zimbabwe National Army is being investigated by police over his participation in Tajamuka demonstrations against VP Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Hapson Ncube who quit the army in 2006 has also been fingered as the man wearing a Mugabe must go T-shirt at Barbourfields Stadium when Highlanders hosted Dynamos a fortnight ago.

Mnangagwa got a rude awakening last week in Bulawayo when youths staged a protest against his involvement in the Gukurahundi massacres that left more than 20000 people dead in Matebeleland and Midlands in the 1980s

Mnangagwa visited Bulawayo last week, Thursday, to attend a constitutional meeting.

After the anti Mnangagwa protests, Ncube’s house was then raided by police officers who confiscated a Takamuka shirt that was hanging on line.

Ncube has since been summoned by local detectives who want to question him about his participation in the demonstration at Makokoba last week Thursday.

They also want to know why he wore a ‘Mugabe Must go’ T-shirt at Highlanders/Dynamos football match.

Meanwhile, Ncube has distanced himself from the Makokoba protest as ‘he was out of the city’ on the date.

Ncube is wondering why he is being questioned as he did not do any offence.