The Zimbabwe government has ordered the immediate removal of “unauthorised” posters and billboards.

The directive issued by the Office of the Minister of State for Harare Metropolitan Province, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development, and the City of Harare comes after former Zanu PF political commissar and independent Presidential candidate Savior Kasukuwere erected big campaign posters in Harare and other parts of the country.


The Office of the Minister of State for Harare Metropolitan Province, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development and the City of Harare have noted the rampant corruption and the mushrooming of both legal and illegal billboards including directional signage on State and Council road verges.

According to the Government Billboard Policy and the City of Harare (Control of Advertising Signs) By-Laws,1981, it is illegal to erect billboards or any structure within the City of Harare area of Jurisdiction and along all State roads without a valid permit and approved plans. Whilst those approved should respect the distances in between billboards and also positioning.

In this regard, all unlicensed operators are advised to remove the said illegal signage and billboards within 48 hours from the date of this notice. Failure to do so, the Municipality will promptly remove any illegal billboards identified within the City whilst the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development will remove all those along the State roads. The cost of removal will be borne by the owners of these billboards and signage. This also applies to illegal signage and posters on Council Streetlights and Street furniture.

Owners found to be in violation of the regulations will be subject to hefty fines and penalties as outlined in the City of Harare (Control of Advertising Signs) By-laws. Continued non-compliance may also prompt further legal action. Defying this notice, the City of Harare shall proceed to evoke the provisions of Section 20 as read with Section 29B of the aforementioned by law, that is to say City of Harare will remove the said illegal, billboards or wall murals and charge the removal cost incurred to the affected entities. 

Harare Metropolitan Province, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development and the City of Harare jointly herein place great importance on maintaining the safety and visual appeal of our cityscape for the benefit and enjoyment of all motorists, residents and visitors. We urge all billboard owners and commercial promoters to familiarize themselves with the applicable regulations and obtain the necessary permits to ensure compliance.

All existing billboards owners in the City of Harare are being requested to submit the following information to the Town Clerk and settle all outstanding payments by Tuesday the 25. of July 2023:

a) Valid Contract with the City of Harare or with the Ministry of Transport and infrastructural Development for the Billboard (s); 

b) Company Registration Documents; 

c) ZIMRA Tax Clearance; d) Proof of Payment; 

e) Certified Copies of Directors (Ds; 

f) Proof of Bank Account Activity; 

g) NSSA Compliance Certificate

Please note that all billboard companies that have applied for regularization will still be required to submit the above documentation whilst their issues are being investigated and considered.

All companies that have existing Street light pole advertising contracts have to ensure that the solar-installed streetlights on which they are advertising are in good working order as per agreement. The City of Harare is giving such companies 30 days notice to ensure that they repair and maintain all the solar streetlights. Failure to do so, these agreements will be immediately cancelled for breach.

For any queries related to billboard regulations, permits, or any other matter regarding this public notice, please contact the City of Harare, Town Clerk’s Office and the Provincial Roads Engineer for Harare Metropolitan Province.

Investigations are now underway for those who acquired permits corruptly, whilst the enforcement exercise will commence on the 26. of July 2023.

Mr. T. Muguti Secretary for Provincial Affairs & Devolution Harare Metropolitan Province 

Eng. T.K. Chinyanga Secretary for Transport & Infrastructural Development 

Eng. H Chisango Town Clerk City of Harare