Today in History.. State Media 07/11/2017: PRESIDENT Mugabe yesterday fired Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa with immediate effect over allegations of, among other things, disloyalty, disrespect, deceit and unreliability.

Announcing the decision at a press briefing in Harare, the Minister of Information, Media and Broadcasting Services, Cde Simon Khaya Moyo, said Cde Mnangagwa’s discharge of duties had become inconsistent with his official responsibilities.

The sacking of Cde Mnangagwa follows calls by Zanu-PF structures to relieve him of his duties following an incident of heckling by Cde Magure Charumbira and some youths of the First Lady Dr Grace Mugabe during the 9th Presidential Youth Interface Rally in Bulawayo last Saturday.

The First Lady accused VP Mnangagwa of abusing his authority to target Zanu-PF Politburo member Professor Jonathan Moyo and National Political Commissar Cde Savior Kasukuwere who did not support his ambition.

General Constantino Guvheya Chiwenga’s troops marched into Harare and overthrew Mugabe adminstration 8 days after the sacking of VP Mnangagwa.

Below is a copy of the original letter that sacked Mnangagwa