The United Nations’ recent complaint about Zimbabwean officials who solicit to attend its meetings came against a backdrop of fierce competition in government circles to travel to such gatherings for per diems or travel and subsistence allowances.

Zimbabwean government officials have been writing to the UN behind the backs of their leaders to ask if they could attend some meetings whenever they realise they would not have been invited.

This has alarmed UN officials and embarrassed President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government.

As a result, the government has criticised some civil servants
who are directly soliciting UN agencies for invitations to attend meetings in New York, United States, mainly motivated by per diems or travel and subsistence allowances for personal benefit.

In an internal memo Agriculture Permanent Secretary,John Basera slammed the conduct which he described as “undiplomatic”.

Basera said the UN recently expressed serious concern over the moves motivated by greed and personal aggrandisement.
