Vice President Constantino Chiwenga urged Zanu PF members to emulate President Mnangagwa whom he said does not complain even when insulted and treated unfairly.

VP Chiwenga said of President Mnangagwa: “Your President is a man who can endure pain and all kinds of insults because to him the party comes first and as individuals we come second.

“I say this because there are some who are complaining out there over primaries. Have you ever seen your leader complaining with all he has gone through? He puts the country first and that is why he has been elected to be our candidate.”

He said President Mnangagwa and his administration had achieved a lot in the past six months they have been in charge.

“Zimbabwe is now well known in every corner of the world and is poised for real growth,” VP Chiwenga said.

“The investment commitments which have come have exceeded $15 billion and should continue under his administration. He has sacrificed himself to be a servant of the people. He is going to head a strong Zanu-PF team that will cruise to victory.” state media