Charles Mabhena

The outspoken youthful politician and Member of Parliament for Norton constituency honourable Temba Mliswa has thrown his weight on Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa to take over the reigns of power in the ongoing ZANU-PF succession debate.

Speaking to members of the press in Harare today, he said Mnangwagwa has to stop the Zezuru hegemony and the forth-coming Bikita by-election has to prove that he has the mantle to rule Zimbabwe.

Mliswa said it is time that the Karangas take over power to recover from the betrayal by President Robert Mugabe who had promised that the next President would come from the Karangas.

Mliswa brushed aside widely held claims that Mnangwagwa was involved in the Gukurahundi massacre and as such cannot appeal to the people of the country to rule over them.

“The question we have to ask ourselves is, who the commander-In-Chief was during that time,” he quizzed.

Adding,” if the men were taking orders from their chief, then Robert Mugabe is responsible for the massacres. You cannot blame Mnangwagwa for the massacres.

He pointed out that Mugabe has been protecting corrupt leaders. He has a ray of board chairpersons who are worst criminals,” said Mliswa.

He singled out minister Mandiwanzira as an extortionist.” Him, Supa is an extreme extortionist,” he said.

Mliswa a former rugby coach, fitness trainer and former member of the ZANU-PF Party which he served as the provincial chairman of Mashonaland West Province before his ouster in December 2014 and subsequent expulsion, also took a swipe at the opposition parties for not being serious about engaging the rural people. He said the opposition is still preoccupied by the urban areas which are going to vote for the opposition anyway.