Meikles Hotel, a Zimbabwean hospitality institution since 1915, has rebranded to Hyatt Regency Harare after its sale to Albwardy Group.

Well known for hosting elites and dignitaries, its legacy in Zimbabwean tourism remains pivotal as it transitions to a new era.

Commenting on the development, renowned Zimbabwean investigative journalist Hopewell Chin’ono says

He writes:

Today marks the end of an era as Meikles Hotel, opened in 1915 by Thomas Meikle and his brothers, changes its name to Hyatt Regency Hotel in Harare after the Meikles family sold it to an Arabian investor, Albwardy, a hospitality company based in the United Arab Emirates.

It has been the center of high society in Rhodesia and Zimbabwe for 114 years, hosting royalty, political elites, entertainment superstars, and top airline crews.

The Meikle family not only owned the hotel but also has/ had massive investments in TM/Pick n Pay, Tanganda Estates, Greatermans, Barbour’s, The Victoria Falls Hotel in Victoria Falls, and real estate.

Meikles used to be packed with high end tourists, investors and visiting dignitaries during good times before the man made political crisis which continues to manifest through a collapsed economy.

Wishing Hyatt Regency Harare all the best. I hope it will maintain the iconic status that Meikles Hotel had, being the preferred choice not only for the elite but also for the Zimbabwean tourism economy.