The City of Bulawayo is facing an unprecedented water shortage. The water sources are currently at only 27% capacity. This exigence has resulted in extreme water rationing that could last until the rain season. Currently, tap water in Bulawayo is only available once a week.

This has caused an upsurge in water borne diarrheal diseases as the quality of these sources of water cannot be guaranteed. We regret that people have died, many have been taken ill and others are hospitalized.

The Mayor of Bulawayo and his team are making frontic efforts to mitigate the effects of this humanitarian disaster.

The Bulawayo City Council is availing free testing and medical treatment including free medicines for the communities in the affected areas.

We applaud Council for this initiative which has so far seen more than 300 residents getting help. In addition, the Old Luveve area has now been exempted from water shedding until the diarrheal outbreak is under control.

Council is also replacing all galvanized pipes in Old Luveve with PVC piping. The galvanized pipes are now old and heavily rusted.

The repairs are being effected urgently.

MDC Alliance has asked the Mayor and his team to go all out to engage the residents and all stakeholders in Bulawayo in order to come to come up with a workable solution to the crisis.
We believe that the medium to long term solution to the Bulawayo woes lies in ensuring there is sufficient raw water for the City of Kings and Queens.

Zinwa has to immediately avail more water from the Nyamandlovu and Eping Forest Acquafers and make plans on a long term basis to have enough raw water in the face of this crisis. We will continue to lobby for them to do so.

The livelihoods of the people of Bulawayo are important to us.

We will do everything in our power to ensure this crisis is swiftly resolved. Our hearts go out to all families who have needlessly lost loved ones due to the crisis.

Sesel Zvidzai
MDC A Secretary for local Government and Rural Development
