VP Emmerson Mnangagwa had a difficult 30 minutes as he had to address and empty Rufaro stadium on the May Day-Workers Day commemoration celebrations at Rufaro  Stadium

He was there at the invitation of Zanu PF backed Zimbabwe Federation of Trade Unions.

Zanu PF and G4o faction members decided to show the Team Lacoste faction that Harare is not Kwekwe by not supporting VP Mnangagwa who was the key speaker at Rufaro Stadium.

Meanwhile MDC leaders had better luck at Gwanzura Stadium where thousands of Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions and opposition supporters turned up to mark the day as seen on Photos below.

pictures mnangagwa at rufaro may day celebrations zimbabwe mnangagwa done by grace mugabe and g40

team lacoste at rufaro may day picture






















zctu and mdc photos at gwanzura stadium workers day celebrations may 2016

zctu mdc at gwanzura

mnangagwa empty stadium at zimbabwe workers day commemorations pics may 2016

3 people listening to mnangagwa at rufaro